Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Different Forms of Photogrpahy

Here in our class we all got into small groups and got given a camera and a sheet listed with several different shots and we all went out and took different shots of what were listed on the sheet. we used different background and images and played around seeing what we could get. we used different techniques on the camera also this is to make things more effective and less dull making the images more interesting and something more to look at.
In my group this is what we came up with:
Low angled shot.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

The Saturday's 24/7

The Saturdays and there latest release of Higher, you can get a seek preview of the video on there new show "the saturdays 24/7" or you can check out there video on
In this image it protrays lot of messages for the target audience it is reaching out for. This image is of five beautiful girls that other girs idolise and want to be like and this image even though make up is smudged and hair isnt in perfect place they still symbolise and signify a beautiful image people want to look like. This image is rough and edgy and showing some element of mischeif with the police identification notices. Also there is some sexual nature to this image as some of them have open mouths and pouting and looking directly into the camera making contact therefore, protraying confidence and fearless. 

Latest Releases

Cheryl Cole and her latest release of "Promise this"
check out her new music video on now!
its as simple as that.

Cheryl Cole is an idol for many girls and all of her images in the media today show sterotypical views of how beauty is protrayed and how people think they should look, nothing less than perfection. In this image as well as many others she looks pure and happy, in many sense she looks perfect some how like she isnt real.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Intoduction to AS media coursework

This is the first blog of my music magazine coursework project. Over the course of this blog, I will show you how I have been building up ideas for my music magazine.
I am particulary interested in The Saturdays, Rhianna, Eninem, basically anything in the charts and that are up to date artists. The genre i was going to base my music magazine is Chart music Pop music and R'N'B artists. The magazines i generally focus on reading would be Look, Okay, New the sterotypical girls magazine.

Music Wesbites;

Radio Stations; 

Download Sites;